Sunday, July 2, 2017

President Trump, "How can you Repeal Obamacare and Replace it Later!"Do you value the American people lives?

My perspective concerning Obamacare, Trump care, Affordable Care Act and Universal
Healthcare will be my philosophical and a Christian worldview analysis from the articles I read regarding the healthcare policy, I believe it personally benefits the American citizens. First, I believe America isn't over the trauma that Trump is the President. However, I was the one person who was willing to give President Trump a chance to serve as the elected President of the United States. My 1st reason, I want to respect the integrity of authority as a Christain woman. Another reason, I worked in one of President's Trump Casino's in Atlantic City, NJ and I was paid by experience with a great salary. I remember Trump hire immigrants from all over the world whereas they had the opportunity of the American Dream. Then I worked in the Atlantic City community as a nonprofit advocate serving the homeless community sometimes with Sister Jean's Kitchen who received the Mother Theresa Award from former George W. Bush She told me about how President Trump supported the homeless community in Atlantic City providing the best and finest foods from his restaurants, therefore I highly respected his generosity towards humanitarian efforts. Even though that was over 20 years ago, I try to seek good in everyone. Today, I believe most American citizens have moved forward and accepted our new elected President like or not, regardless of the popular vote.  America needs a health care law that works for every American. America needs a bipartisan leader who can "act" "strategize" and  "perform" with  Senate Democrats, Independents, and Republicans to improve Obamacare to Universal Health Care. President Trump, we the American people need a health care law not spending tasteless "tweets" about Joe Scarbourgh Show, most of us don't know who they are? Why spend wasted energy of such non-importance? That energy could be spent repairing Obamacare to Universal Healthcare that more Americans can benefit from health care.

When I first heard the purpose of creating Obamacare is to serve the 50 million Americans who presently can’t afford healthcare and that every American citizen (regardless of income status) will have “equal” access to healthcare insurance. The invention of the healthcare policy, Obamacare which is also called the “Patient Protection & Affordable Care Act was originally created by Mitt Romney while he served as the Governor of Massachusetts (Alex Seitz- Wald, 2012). However, Mitt Romney’s transition team is gaining personal profit gain benefits from the “Obamacare health insurance 

The former Presidential candidate Mitt Romney used the same Obamacare healthcare reform legislation as a platform to argue that President Obama is implementing a bad policy that will affect and not benefit the American people, I found that to be hypercritical. In addition, Congress and some Christian conservative citizens protest against Obama Care (healthcare insurance) and believe that the legislation violates their constitutional rightsThey also believe that Obamacare involves too much government control and no religious freedom (Weber, K., 2012). So did Mitt Romney's? So will ACA? Why is it that every other industrialized country has a universal healthcare system while the U.S. has yet to find a solution that works for the many? Why is it that U.S. spends far more per capita on healthcare but still leave millions without any coverage? Why America is so bent out of shape that they are against Universal Health Care for every American?  

read a statement that America lacks universal health coverage and that House Republicans struggled to pass their plan even in very conservative House chamber is that America’s political institutions make it difficult for massive entitlement programs to be enacted. As policy experts have pointed out in studies of the U.S. health system, the country doesn’t “have a comprehensive national health insurance system because American political institutions are structurally biased against this kind of comprehensive reform. "Its culture is unusually individualistic, favoring personal over government responsibility; lobbyists are particularly active, spending billions to ensure that private insurers maintain their status in the health system; and our institutions are designed in a manner that limits major social policy changes from happening". (Salon) 

The Senate began debating the American Health Care Act (AHCA) with a vote on that bill expected to take place later this week. The Congressional Budget Office estimates that 14 million more people would be uninsured in 2018 under Trump care than under Obamacare, and by 2026 the number of uninsured would reach 51 million Americans. While the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) has made strides to cover more Americans, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office estimates that tens of millions will gain insurance, but the ACA was never expected to cover everyone. CBO says there will be 25 million fewer uninsured because of the law, as early as 2016. That leaves 31 million still uninsured. it is estimated that 28 million would still not have health insurance in 2026. Either way, Trump care or Obamacare will not cover all Americans, however, Obamacare covers more than Trump care, so why the Republican's can't fix Obamacare to make it better?  Why not Universal Health Care for all Americans?

President Trump rather repeal Obamacare and repair "Affordable Care Act" later if they are unable to decide on a health care legislation by July 10, 2017, while the American people who need health care should suffer? Heartless, right? How can you tell an American person who needs an operation or healthcare, we going to take your health care because we want to repeal Obamacare and replace it later, so you have to wait to get your operation later if you live? I want to ask every Senator and Congressperson if we Americans have to suffer without health care until later, Are you willing to wait until later for your healthcare, too? Are you going to lead by example?  Is that moral?

I take this health care legislation personal as I was diagnosed with three chronic illnesses. I decided to write my politicians in my district Congressman John Delaney, Senator Chris Van Hollen, and Senator Benjamin Cardin, I was happy to receive a letter from Congressman John Delaney and Senator Chris Van Hollen, however, I didn't receive a letter from Senator Benjamin Cardin yet. They are advocating against repealing the current health care legislation that would allow more Americans to suffer without health care. The Affordable Care Act and Obamacare may have some clinches it needs to be repaired but not repealed. If the Republicans don't have any idea to improve the health care legislation by July 10th then suspended further meetings. Then meet bipartisan with Democrats and Independents to improve the health care legislation together. I believe all of them together can come with some agreement together for the greater good of health care legislation or embrace Universal Health Care for every American because Health Care is a Human Right.
According to CNBC, Bernie Sanders has been touting a Medicare-for-all plan for decades, of course, and gave the issue new prominence in last year's presidential primaries. HR 676, Rep. John Conyers' (D-MI) bill to establish a nationwide single-payer program, has 113 cosponsors in the House, nearly double the number he got for the same bill in 2015-2016. The co-sponsors represent well over half the Democratic caucus. 

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), along with Sanders a leading left voice in the Senate caucus, is also on board, telling a Wall Street Journal interviewer that Democrats should campaign on the idea in 2018 and 2020. Perhaps most significantly, the California State Senate has approved a bill calling for the creation of a single-payer plan in the state. If Democrats want to get to universal coverage, and ultimately to single-payer, this, not a big-bang approach like the California bill, is the way to do it. And there's no reason Democratic-dominated states like California, Connecticut, Maryland, or Oregon couldn't get started right now. (Dylan Matthews, CNBC) 

The Universal Health Care demonstrates Francis Bacon’s philosophy as the “inventors” to a reformed healthcare legislation. The political aim of Bacon (hedonist) teaching is to promote inventionslike faith in technological progress” (White, H., p. 369). In addition, the arguments against Obamacare health care legislation reminds me of Niccolo Machiavelli’s philosophy and belief that “immoral things achieve goals” “justice rules only where just men rule” (Strauss, L., p. 299). Furthermore, Luther and Calvin philosophies I compare Universal Health Care to a divine intervention that can turn men lives back to GodIt’s a blessing to have and afford health care”. Health is a part of an individual’s well-being and well-being promotes a positive healthy spiritual lifestyle 

The natural law describes, “Sin obscures and darkens his comprehension of the law of nature so that the divine law is revealed to remove the evasions introduced by man’s fallen nature (Forrester, D.B., p. 346). If our leaders would correct their fallen nature and remember to stop special interest, sinful desires and own wills that affect the lives of the American people. Remember the Constitution is a “promissory note of justice” endowed by the Creator not the government; repair Obamacare/ Affordable Care Act legislation not to repeal it; only to improve it, “It saves lives”! Do this with moralityintegrity, obedience, and discipline on the behalf of the American citizens cease inequality, unfairness, tyranny, and corruption. 

“Thus says the Lord of hosts, Render true judgments, show kindness and mercy to one another, do not oppress the widow, the fatherless, the sojourner, or the poor, and let none of you devise evil against another in your heart.”( Zech.7: 9-10 ESV)  

(Forrester, D. B. & White, H.) Strauss, L. & Cropsey J. (1987) History of Political Philosophy  
(1st Ed.) Chicago: University of Chicago Press 
Weber, K. (2012). New Yorkers Join Religious Freedom Rally to Protest Obamacare. Retrieved  
June 4, 2012, from 
Wilson, A. (2012). Obama Care Just Bad Policy. Retrieved June 4, 2012. from  
Wald, A. S. (2012) Salon. Retrieved June 4, 2012, from 
Bible: Zechariah Chapter 7:9-10 ESV 

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