Saturday, July 8, 2017

Maryland State Lawmakers must investigate Maryland Commission on Civil Rights who failed to prevent landlord discrimmination against Section 8 voucher holders.

Maryland lawmakers must investigate Maryland Commission on Civil Rights (MCCR)  failure to protect Section voucher holder and/or disabled person from landlord discrimination/sexual harassment. The United States Housing Urban Development Agency has an agreement with Maryland Commission on Civil Rights (MCCR) to investigate Fair Housing complaints regarding State of Maryland citizens.  The disabled is being discriminated against because 
by the Maryland State covered agencies. How much funding is flowing in the State of Maryland to these agencies and public housing authorizes for disabled persons while the disabled is being treated inhumanely?

March 20, 2017, Maryland lawmakers passed a bill to banned landlord from discriminating against Section  voucher holders however Maryland Commission on Civil Rights (MCCR) agency is failing to enforce civil rights by suppressing Section 8 voucher holders fair housing complaints against landlords, refused to be in a compliance with reasonable accommodation requirements and refuse to enforce civil rights and neglect investigations to end discrimination/landlord abuse 

The State of Maryland supposed to be dedicated to a full compliance with the "reasonable accommodation" requirements and the Americans with Disabilities Act. Maryland Commission on Civil Rights (MCCR) is a covered agency,  a disabled person makes them aware that they are disabled (oral or written) a request reasonable accommodations should be provided. As a chronically ill disabled person who is ill on a weekly or daily basis (in or out hospital) I was labeled as "uncooperative" by MCCR only because I have an illness that I can't control, especially I have proof from a doctor's certification. I filed my complaint on a timely basis but because I filed against a male and the male dominate staff from MCCR desire to protect the male landlord and contractor. However, Mr. Cleveland Horton, II (who formerly worked for HUD) MCCR Deputy Director discriminated against me because of my disability, a woman and suppressed my fair housing complaint as a Section 8 voucher holder is now my biggest oppressor. Mr. Alvin Gillard, MCCR Executive Director (who was nominated by a Democrat Governor O'Malley) I sent him an email about my disability while in the hospital requested reasonable accommodations he never responded as a covered agency. I just find the both of them unethical and they both abusing their powers. In addition, MCCR has intentionally falsified to put the wrong name of the landlord on the case file to cover up the identity of the real landlord which is "AvalonBay Communities" who has been sued for discriminating against disabled in the past. I am presently under their lease, why Maryland Commission on Civil Rights protecting this landlord? 

Maryland Commission on Civil Rights (MCCR) intentionally against Maryland Lawmakers bill that banned landlords from discrimination against Section 8 voucher holders and supporting landlord discrimination. Therefore, Section 8 voucher holders are still being discriminated against on another level (behind closed doors) on fair housing issues. The thought tolerates the humiliation and degradation of sexual harassment or risks having their families and themselves removed from their homes from an MD State Civil rights agency for filing a Fair Housing complaint are inhumane and injustice. The Maryland Commission on Civil Rights should be investigated for these malicious acts against the vulnerable "low income" and disabled community. 

The Section 8 voucher holder complains about a fair housing issue, for example, disability access, discrimination, disability parking, etc., Maryland Commission on Civil Rights (MCCR) are forbidding Section 8 voucher holders, sexual harassment, and a disabled person from filing fair housing complaints about these specific reasons: 
 (1) Maryland Commission on Civil Rights (MCCR) refuses to conduct a proper investigation,  (2) they conspire/favor the landlord, (3) executive male dominated 'sexist" agency, (3 political bias Democratic "partisanship" nepotism , cronyism, political favoritism, "good oleboys" network (4) discriminate against disabled , (5) MCCR as a covered agency refuses "RA" or "ADA", (6) suppressed evidence, (7) unethical  (8) MCCR suppress the complaints, (9) should be concern of retaliatory from landlords who want to remove Section 8 voucher holders from their homes because they filed a complaint underlying FHA, therefore, the Section 8 voucher holder is actually still discriminated against because of Maryland Commission on Civil Rights (MCCR) refuse to protect or hold any accountability or transparency. 

I write in my daily journal because I discovered since I been chronically ill, I faced a whole new set of challenges as a disabled person. But I learn each day I wake up life is a gift. I never understood the obstacles of being disabled until I became disabled. Now I am discovering this journey and I never could understand how the world could be so cruel and not open their heart to people who may be different or a "disabled persons".' Or  how these non-profits, State or federally funded agencies who supposed to advocate for the "vulnerable community" are the same ones that use the same law to oppress the vulnerable community. Maryland Commission on Civil Rights (MCCR) knows that Section 8 voucher holders don't have the financial or legal knowledge resources to file in federal court and it's free to file a fair housing complaint through HUD but it goes through MCCR office, therefore, MCCR has the power to suppress our complaints and to keep us oppressed like "modern day slaves" not to move the fair housing complaints forward while they have a full staff. 

This journey as a disabled person left me with a "voice", and I can speak about my grievances and tell my truths.  I may not be the best writer due to my impairments, but I believe as citizen's everyone has a right to speak, it's written as a "guarantee of freedom" under the Constitution which is a “promissory note of justice” endowed by the Creator not the government. The Creator desires us to respect government authority, however when the government becomes "The Oppressor" it causes a political crisis, it's immoral, injustice, and they become the main violators of human rights. Why the Department of Justice covering the fact that the disabled are discriminated against and treated cruelly? Too many complaints therefore suppressed them, that's the goal?

Look, the reality is there will be "mountains" there will be those who will try to suppress your voices but you must overcome no matter what "Rise Up" refute the fear you may have and "Raise our Voices!" I am sure I am not the only one who is going through this; it's thousands of us "voiceless" and "oppressed" because of who we are and sometimes feel dis-valued because of our "source of income" and impairments we may feel we don't have a right to exist on this earth. Sometimes we may get intimidated because we have to go against people who wear "suits vs. our impairments", then we are looked down because we have a disability but they are looked up to because of their status, we shouldn't no longer be intimidated by these false "attention seekers" they probably more intimidated than us, because we have "hope" they just hide their intimidation a little bit better. There are people who groom themselves too aggressively victimized and convert abuse to intimidate people like the disabled only to distort or misrepresent to gain favor. 

Do remember, though, that sometimes the people you oppress become mightier than you would like.” 
― Veronica RothInsurgent

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