MCCR investigators is controlled by Unit Director Cleveland Horton who is over women supervisors in the investigative units. I believe he used Supervisor Awilda Pena to call my home on 10/4/2018 after I requested not to call my home due to my disability/illness; she describes herself as African American woman with a loud tone “WE CAN’T CHANGE ANYONE BEHAVIORS”! The purpose of the Maryland Commission on Civil Rights is to change discriminatory behaviors by enforcing the law.
I later discovered Awilda Pena is not African American however Hispanic which I find deceptive. It was very discouraging that men who work for the public and for a civil rights agency are still baiting and using women within their agency to hide their gender discrimination and retaliate against complainants. After Awilda Pena called my home she has her picture shown on the MCCR’s website I believe for complying and in honor by the male leaders discriminatory actions. I am appalled that Ms. Pena would call my house, fabricate and then discriminate against me because I am disabled, why would she lose her integrity only to maintain employment at MCCR.
Maryland Commission on Civil Rights receives government funding to cease biases, retaliation, hate crimes, stigmatize and violation freedom of speech, Fair Housing Act (ADAA accommodations) and VAWA Act. I discovered that this agency discriminates against a certain class of citizens and there is no accountability how these men use their powers to abuse sexual assault victims or any vulnerable citizens in the State and receive federal funding.
Because I had filed a discrimination complaint through HUD for Fair Housing because of the agreement it ends up at MCCR.
MCCR has a poor investigative process:
- Cleveland Horton, Executive Director abuses his power and promoting gender bias as an MCCR Director refused Civil rights claims by protecting male respondents. I against a male Executive Director and Compliance Officer who harassed and retaliated against for filing a Fair Housing complaint. I was threatened by the Director, that I would lose my housing and was told by the Compliance Officer I should leave town to search for disabled housing. Even though I had sound evidence that they fabricated in writing and these men violated civil rights, Cleveland Horton protected them by placing my case “probable cause” as these agencies in Maryland continues to violate Fair Housing Act against disabled and sexual assault victims.
- Cleveland Horton, Executive Director is retaliating and violating my right to speech because I voice my concern against MCCR organization by social media and told the truth about my experience. Cleveland Horton is using the MCCR investigative process to violate my Civil Rights. I have a right to tell my experience about MCCR to any social media outlets, press, etc., I have a right to freedom of expression.
- Under Cleveland Horton’s leadership, he violates ADAA accommodations as I request ADAA accommodations during the investigative process from MCCR and the investigator who has used negativity behavior and tones against my disability.
- Under Director Cleveland Horton’s leadership, he allows the violation of the VAWA Act in multifamily housing as I am a woman who was sexually assaulted in the State of Maryland and allow respondents to violate it, too.
- MCCR violates my civil rights refusing to conduct a fair and impartial investigation, regardless of the facts I provided re: respondents. In addition, I am not having a fair and impartial investigation because the investigator discriminates against my disability due to frustration about my “ADAA accommodations request which is an inconvenience and confusing” complaining to me.
- MCCR negatively stigmatize Section 8 participants, disabled and sexual assault victims, however, receive funding by the federal government. It is discouraging and intimidating to know that vulnerable complainants are being treated inhumanely by the staff from the Maryland Commission on Civil rights to prevent them from filing complaints.
- MCCR violates Fair Housing Act and discriminates against Section 8 participants (which has federal protections), disabled and VAWA (women who experience domestic violence) harass and intimidate them to move to violate Maryland State Law (supporting landlord abuse) the landlord is unlawfully retaliating against for filing a complaint. Maryland law under 8-208.1, 8-208.2
- I grieve with the federal government that MCCR will no longer be the investigators for Fair Housing complaints and VAWA ACT (sexual assault victims) any of my cases due to their open and outright discrimination against me and disability. There is a petition the federal government take financial resources from MCCR and request a complete investigation against MCCR.
- MCCR violates of VAWA in Multifamily housing ACT. Violates the Fair Housing Act under ADAA accommodations, support landlord abuse, and retaliation, and stigmatize against Section 8 participants.
- I am physically disabled with an acute disease, I can’t pick up nothing over 10 lbs and I am waiting for ADAA parking almost 4 months, I fall when I walk, lungs (infections) can’t breathe, hospitalized – had kidney failure supported by my doctors’ certification which MCCR has those documents. However, MCCR out of retaliation tries to stigmatize me as a healthy black woman who has the energy to fight random men and women. If I had that ability to fight, I would never experience brutal sexual assault.
- MCCR investigator refusing to talk to any of my witnesses and.
- The MCCR investigator refuses my evidence written by respondent demonstrating my allegations of discrimination.
Executive Director Alvin Gillard remain silent which demonstrates supporting such adverse behavior against the citizens in Maryland.
- To prove my allegations I have all the documents, writings, etc., are true and factual information. Maryland Commission on Civil Rights suppose to be impartial and unbiased; complainants should be free from intimidation or retaliation.
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