Sunday, March 19, 2017

State of Maryland Commission on Civil Rights Suppressed Fair Housing Complaints against a Chronically ill disabled woman

Maryland Commission on Civil Rights (MCCR) is not practicing "civil rights"  to certain Section 8 voucher holders, disabled and other protected class citizens regarding fair housing. As you statistically are an aware statistics in Maryland is critical and housing discrimination is known especially Section 8 voucher participants so why MCCR suppressing fair housing complaints?  MCCR refuses to conduct fair investigations and there is no "accountability or transparency".  Maybe they desire to lower the statistics by suppressing complaints? Housing supposes to be a "human right" especially when it comes to the protected class vs million dollar landlords in Maryland who abuses renters.  Maybe the landlords are paying them to suppress  fair housing civil rights complaints, you can assume. These are former Governor O'Malley appointee's "male club" Cleveland Horton II who worked for HUD and Alvin Gillard who came out of retirement both are democrats. Avalonbay Communities already been sued before for discrimination against the disabled why MCCR is trying to cover it up while I was discriminated against this housing entity?

I filed a complaint with Maryland Commission on Civil Rights (MCCR) I was oppressed as a chronically ill disabled person as I am disabled rather than to be assisted with "reasonable accommodations". MCCR is a covered entity which is a violation and I didn't have equal access to due process because I have a "disability and requested "RA" and " "ADA", MCCR discriminated against me because I am disabled and protected a contractor who tried to sexual harass me in my home.  

I believe it's important that every Maryland citizens read this Constitution that was set up by Maryland legislatures:

"The source of all power and authority for governing the State of Maryland lies with its citizens. The Constitution's Declaration of Rights makes clear "That all Government of right originates from the People, is founded in compact only, and is instituted solely for the good of the whole; and they have, at all times, the inalienable right to alter, reform or abolish their Form of Government in such manner as they may deem expedient." (Art. 1)
While responsibility for promoting the public interest is vested in specific officers and agencies of State government, actual governing authority remains with the registered voters of Maryland". I believe in the Constitution but believe the Creator most of all!

I requested disabled parking and other accessibility issues at Avalonbay Communities who has been sued before for discrimination against disability refuses to honor my request with doctor's certification. I went to Housing Opportunity Commission which they ignored and didn't assist me either as my Section 8 vocuher holder.  Where I live in Montgomery County, MD the electric kept mechanically shutting down and I have breathing issues but the landlord refused to repair the issue.  There was a lack of support from Montgomery County government, HOC, legal services, MD state agencies and other Housing entities to ensure that the residents have electricity. As a chronically ill disabled person, I had to sleep in restaurants and/or my car to have air due to my breathing issues ( I have a machine) and to also keep from waking people up at 3 or 4 o'clock in the morning. "Money is power" therefore the owner has a million dollar enterprise and no one cares for the "vulnerable people" residents (children, seniors or disabled) who was without electric during the drastic, hot and humid summer months for three years. 

The Maryland Commission on Civil Rights (MCCR) investigator, Mr. Otto called me one time while I was just released from the hospital from major surgery while I consumed highly dosages of opioids for pain and other mind altering drugs. MCCR a protected covered entity suppose to honor reasonable accommodations, however, didn't accommodate me either. However, I requested another time he denied me and took advantage of my vulnerability state of mind.  I didn't remember all the questions he asked me, however, days later he decided that my complaint wasn't under the Civil Rights guidelines, deceptive. Maryland Commission on Civil Rights doesn't allow "RA" requests and refuses to acknowledge that law on the behalf of the disabled. (Protected class race, women, disability, gender, religion, etc). 

During the MCCR complaint process and after, I still didn't have my disabled parking  (provided by doctor's certification) or the other accessibility issues remain unresolved, however, my complaint was closed by MMCR Alvin Gillard, Executive Director and Deputy Director not further investigated by the MCCR investigator Mr. Otto.  Why would MCCR suppressed a disabled person complaint with such malicious intent? Then, I contacted HUD monitors, I was informed to re-file another complaint, however, I was undergoing chronic pain issues and surgeries that caused me to delay. 

Two months after my MCCR closed my case due to their own discrimination against me,  a contractor who was hired by AvalonBay Communities tried to make advancement sexually in my home. Avalonbay Communities sent flyers to make the tenants aware that the contractor was coming and to allow entry to check the water. This man was harassing me knocking on my door, the first thing that came into my mind that the apartment complex management sent this man to my house? If the apartment complex could get away of not repairing the electrical issues that caused displacement for 2 years during the hot summer months why wouldn't the apartment complex retaliate in such an egregious way?  The Montgomery County government, Housing Opportunity Commission, Maryland Commission on Civil Rights refused to hold the Avalonbay Communities accountable?  How much are they paying you? Avalonbay Communities have been sued by the Department of Justice regarding ADA non-compliance.  I am being harassed by Maryland Commission on Civil Rights (MCCR) Executive (all) male staff who supported a "male" to come to my home to take advantage of a chronically ill disabled woman in her home. I always remember there are people who groom themselves to aggressively victimized and convert abuse to intimidate people like the disabled only to distort or misrepresent to gain favor. My opinion MCCR is a "sexist" agency against women complainants ran by males.  I notice that most agencies in Maryland is ran by males like Housing Opportunity Commission CEO I had issues which he threaten me also.

I am sharing these experiences because of the government try to suppress my voice and "act" on "unfairness" and "biased' against the protected class in the State of Maryland. Even though, freedom of speech supposed to be absolute, Maryland Declaration of Rights and due process suppose to be guaranteed to every citizen, "Why the protected class supposed to be familiar and accept injustices, inequality, and unfairness?" Mr. Alvin Gillard, Executive Director MCCR, and Clevland Horton, Deputy Director could get away with suppressing my civil rights complaints because they are sexist and discriminate against me because I am disabled or file a sexual harassment complaint against this contractor.

The democratic senate committee needs to investigate MCCR fair housing department immediately. 


ADA Education and Reform Act of 2015
This bill requires the Disability Rights Section of the Department of Justice to develop a program to educate state and local governments and property owners on strategies for promoting access to public accommodations for persons with a disability. The program may include training for professionals to provide a guidance of remediation for potential violations of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA).

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Holy Cross Hospital Emergency Room Services in Germantown, MD is questionable.

Doug Ryder, President Germantown Hospital

Emergency room (ER) crowding has become a widespread problem in hospitals across the United States. According to the federal government, first, emergency medicine is the only specialty in the “House of Medicine” that has a federal mandate to provide care to any patients requesting treatment. Second, primary care providers are in short supply, forcing sick people to seek medical care in ERs. Once seen as an “ER problem,” crowding has become more appropriately recognized as a “hospital problem,” related to factors beyond the doors of the ER. This realization has led many regulating agencies to launch corrective attempts, some of which have actually been effective.  However, in the case of Holy Cross ER in Germantown, ER management is performing the best in management skills to handle the ER. However, there are numerous reviews about the newly built hospital Germantown, Maryland from unhappy Montgomery County citizens. Hospitals should be liable concerning to bad employees, bullying and harassment from their employees to sick patients is intolerable. 

Another issue, Holy Cross hospital can't handle chronic recurring patients. The triage nurse can't recognize the prevalence of chronic and undertreatment of pain, including chronic pain, continues to be common. The failure to properly diagnose or adequately treat pain has multiple causes, including a lack of educational opportunities for providers, inadequate quality improvement programs, concern about opioid addiction and abuse, the relative paucity of rigorous ED-based pain research, and the difficulty of accurately assessing our patients' subjective pain experiences. I went to this hospital and it was poorly run by management, the employees were very nasty and short; the ER registrar had an attitude problem and very abusive to every patient while the emergency room patients witness, sat and watch the poorly ran emergency room, the worst management style. I watch the Security Director yelling at sick patients who was not mobile while the patient advocate allowing this abuse.  I was recently in the hospital at Holy Cross in Germantown because my kidney became acute due to infection in my bladder. They have all my records and chronic issues who would want to come to a hospital for no reason but to be sick.

I admit I am a recurring patient due to my illness why would the Holy Cross hospital discriminate against the sick? Especially provide poor quality of service. I discovered that  Mr. Ryder is the President and I wonder how is he improving the quality of services? What are the Board Members at the hospital is saying that Germantown Hospital alleging discriminate against recurring sick patient and make them wait because they were recent hospitalized? What does the hospital handle abusive/bullying employees who intimidate ill patients and wait for them after work hours to harass them? What do you when the nurses in the back take off your bandages and try to get blood from a busted already used vein?

 I wrote a letter about the quality of care concerning the abusive employees and treatment. The patient advocate letter, she stated that she tried to explain to me while the Security Director was yelling and acting abusively in the public ER room. I never called for the Security Supervisor’s assistance I don’t understand why he was there but he caused me undue anxiety and a panic attack.  Another issue in the letter, the patient advocate tried to explain about the ER wait time. A man who was called before me wasn't sick as I was because in the lobby waiting ER room he tried to date me asking for my phone number, I moved away from him. What does the hospital do about sexual harassment by other patients? The ER don't see that patients talk in the waiting area but the hospital uses excuses who they choose to see first. How can you look at someone to see how sick they are? The Germantown Hospital ER is terribly managed. Most of the employees are good but the bad apples are hurting the hospital image.

The patient advocate letter is basic a common general letter she sends to everyone who has issues with the hospital. This hospital in the suburbs has violent and abusive employees such as the Security Director and the registrar. The registrar was off the clock waited 3 hours in the lobby for me to harass me because I complained. However, patient advocate support this so I would not return back to the hospital and she failed to respond to the bullying the hospital staff against sick patients.

My family is starting a petition concerning Mr. Ryder, the President who is ignoring the complaints of the patients while insurance is paying for such poor quality of services and bullying from bad employees against sick patients.  He must address every letter which includes complaints about the patient advocate who allows employee abuse to sick patients. Holy Cross hospital must stop hiring abusive, harassing, mean-spirited and bully employees and if a patient complains the employees shouldn’t have to walk out the emergency while that employee wait to intimidate sick patients.  The patient shouldn’t have to come to the hospital with threats such as employees harassing sick patients. Mr. Ryder should act more accountable and visible in the complaint process and investigate the patient advocate role and ensure she is acting within the jurisdiction of her duties. She must report abusive and bully employees to his attention against sick patients. The general public should write the Board Members of the Germantown Hospital about these issues and the Board Members should address the complaints effectively and inefficiently.

U.S Department of Health and Human Services
200 Independence Avenue, S.W
Washington, DC 20201 you can file your complaint online

God forbid a patient dies because of these abusive employees and badly managed ER room staff in Germantown Hospital who refuse to treat sick and chronically ill patients accordingly.

Friday, March 10, 2017

Equal Rights Center (Non-Profit)..... "Betrayal, deception and unfair practices" against disabled person"

I went to the Equal Rights Center as a disabled person to get help with discrimination case regarding my housing where I live AvalonBay Communities and gave the organization all documents and informationLater I discovered that Equal Rights Center had a conflict of interest and a working relationship with AvalonBay Communities who had been sued by Department of Justice in the past for ADA discriminatory practices. Later, I was abandoned by ERC by deception, betrayal and ignored my complaint after I gave ERC all the informationLater, I discovered ERC had partnered with this housing apartment complex without sharing that information with me, a conflict of interest 

I didn’t' deserve to be treated this way by an organization who claims to be about fairness, equal rights and compassionate on the behalf of the vulnerable community. I mean I communicated with the employees and they told me that they would assist me.  I attend their annual event, I brought donor to their event who gave a donation in December of 2015. 

Due to my chronic illness and breathing issues, the electricity continued to be out the where I live following the year. As a disabled person, I had to sleep in cars, hospitals, and restaurants just to have air. I had to get my doctors to write the President, Mr. Norton of AvalonBay Communities for reasonable accommodations because the electric I paid for didn't work because of the complex mechanical issues. I  suffered two years of this electrical problems, they keep vulnerable tenants security deposit interest and told ERC about this issue the first year, however, I was abandoned by your ERCThen, I had to wait for another year for handicapped parking. 

In December 2016, ERC decided to give AvalonBay Communities a reward for being a great landlord! I am writing you why your organization fighting Donald Trump for discrimination practices when your organization allowed and refused to assist a disabled woman. I want to share my experience with the public to demonstrate how hypercritical American civil rights agency that doesn't practice discrimination and fairness.  ERC is unethical and conducts deceptive practices which the innocent vulnerable disabled people should be aware not to repeat any suffering any betrayal from the Equal Rights Center.

I find it interesting that they are advocating or speaking against the new HUD Secretary Carson after all the deception this organization has contributed against the disabled community, "hypocrites". I want to warn my fellow disabled community and vulnerable residents to beware and I give you fair warning about this organization. We need to speak out against injustice and false representation from civil rights organizations who use us for funding purposes and not investing in equal and/or fair rights purposes.